Our Curriculum

Please see the documents below to see the progression of the curriculum at St Clare's.

Our approach to learning is founded on the belief that the curriculum should be child-centred, based on practical, hands-on, concrete experiences, so that each child can build his/her knowledge, skills, concepts and attitudes through understanding.

We assess where each child is when s/he enters school at whatever key stage. We begin from that point and take the child through the curriculum at a pace appropriate to individual needs, so that each may be offered an equal opportunity to achieve their full potential.

Our aim is to deliver a broad, balanced, relevant and exciting curriculum which is designed to develop a love of learning which will last a lifetime and cover the spiritual, physical, moral, social, aesthetic, literate, mathematic and scientific development of our pupils.

We strive to improve the teaching and learning in our school through a process of on-going evaluation. We believe that the children should develop the skill to evaluate their own performance against agreed success criteria leading to next steps and achievable targets designed to help them move on their learning. This approach is a way of developing lifelong learning skills that can be adapted to any area at any stage of life.

At St Clare’s we offer a broad curriculum to our children which is varied, rich and relevant. It consists of all the learning activities, experiences and interactions which promote our school values, meets the requirements of National Curriculum and also includes what we believe is important for our children’s all round development.

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